
Dear Summer, Please Hurry.

There is nothing like finishing your first year of grad school to get you excited for summer. I honestly cannot wait, only 24 more days. And yes, I'm counting down. I even thought about making a paper chain, which I might do tonight. Being a teacher means that I'll always have "summer break", and you won't. I'm sorry, didn't mean to rub that in your face.

So because I'm too excited to concentrate on studying for the huge exam I have in 3 hours, I wrote a to-do list. Not a list of things I actually need to get done, but a list of all the things I want to accomplish this summer. A few of which are on my 2010 To-Do List. As you can tell, I'm a little obsessed with making lists.

So here it goes. . .

♥ Go on an unplugged mini-vacation with Jordan. Oh, and I'm taking a 7 day hiatus from the internet on the first full week of summer break.

♥ Take my keyboard out from under my bed, and learn how to play it.

♥ Take a lot of pictures with my Holga, and have Kellie teach me how to develop the film.

♥ Finally read the entire new testament. (I have ADD when it comes to reading my Bible & I like to jump around a lot.)

♥ Try Bikram Yoga. Sign up for the $20 for 2 weeks @ Sunrise Hot Yoga.

♥ Read, Read, Read. I need to make a must-read summer book list. Any suggestions?

♥ Play with my kids more.

♥ Seriously clean the entire house. I already wrote a Spring Summer Cleaning To-Do List.

♥ Go on picnics (a lot) and fly kites.

♥ Change my name. Yeah, yeah, yeah... I know it's been a year but I'm slow. At least I changed it through SS.

♥ Lay in my hammock.

♥ Finish my wedding scrapbook (finally!)

♥ B&B vacation with Liz. We need to set a date and find a place soon. I'm getting anxious for this one.

♥ Work on our Lystography book.

♥ Finish my Dr. Seuss collection.

Image from WeHeartIt


  1. WTH? (what the heck) Jordan gets a vacation with you and Liz does to? Aren’t I the one who is moving to another country and who you will miss dearly…I want a trip…get on that!

  2. Hannah- YESSS, let's go backpacking through Europe. Okay, not really. Let's go somewhere though. And is it weird that I'm writing you while you are sitting next to me watching me type? Yeah.


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