So because I'm too excited to concentrate on studying for the huge exam I have in 3 hours, I wrote a to-do list. Not a list of things I actually need to get done, but a list of all the things I want to accomplish this summer. A few of which are on my 2010 To-Do List. As you can tell, I'm a little obsessed with making lists.
So here it goes. . .
♥ Go on an unplugged mini-vacation with Jordan. Oh, and I'm taking a 7 day hiatus from the internet on the first full week of summer break.
♥ Take my keyboard out from under my bed, and learn how to play it.
♥ Take a lot of pictures with my Holga, and have Kellie teach me how to develop the film.
♥ Finally read the entire new testament. (I have ADD when it comes to reading my Bible & I like to jump around a lot.)
♥ Try Bikram Yoga. Sign up for the $20 for 2 weeks @ Sunrise Hot Yoga.
♥ Read, Read, Read. I need to make a must-read summer book list. Any suggestions?
♥ Play with my kids more.
♥ Seriously clean the entire house. I already wrote a
♥ Go on picnics (a lot) and fly kites.
♥ Change my name. Yeah, yeah, yeah... I know it's been a year but I'm slow. At least I changed it through SS.
♥ Lay in my hammock.
♥ Finish my wedding scrapbook (finally!)
♥ B&B vacation with Liz. We need to set a date and find a place soon. I'm getting anxious for this one.
♥ Work on our Lystography book.
♥ Finish my Dr. Seuss collection.
Image from WeHeartIt
WTH? (what the heck) Jordan gets a vacation with you and Liz does to? Aren’t I the one who is moving to another country and who you will miss dearly…I want a trip…get on that!
ReplyDeleteHannah- YESSS, let's go backpacking through Europe. Okay, not really. Let's go somewhere though. And is it weird that I'm writing you while you are sitting next to me watching me type? Yeah.